The purpose of this section is to provide references and links to reliable sources to help understand what “Wilderness” involves generally as a designation, and secondly, to foster access to accurate information to comprehend the different positions and possibilities concerning protection for the Owyhee Canyonlands. While I have my own views, I believe (perhaps naïvely) that the interests of all are best served by informed and respectful discussion. My goal here is to help those who want to inform themselves and compare the various views so they can reach reasonable conclusions and engage in a civil debate. I hope users will approach these sources with an open mind and look at all sides.
There several newspapers that regularly cover the Owyhee Canyonlands. Subscriptions may be required to view online articles.
The Argus Observer, Ontario, Oregon
The Idaho Statesman, Boise, Idaho
Malheur Enterprise, Vale, Oregon
The Owyhee Avalanche, Homedale, Idaho,
Online resources– Information on the Canyonlands. Carries links to relevant items in the local press. Pro-protection. Associated with the previous, provides a forum for contributors to express reasons for supporting protections for the Owyhee. Facebook page of the Friends of the Owyhee citizens group. Carries links to relevant items in the local press. Pro-protection. Oppose the Owyhee Canyonlands Monument. Anti-protection group and petition. Links to the following. Our Land, Our Voice is the website of the Owyhee Basin Stewardship Coalition, which opposes the declaration of a national monument "without the voice of Congress." The site seeks donations. Describes protections already in place. Facebook page associated with above site. Website of the Oregon Natural Desert Association, leading proponent of protection. Also offers background on the desert and suggestions for visitors as well as volunteer opportunities. Western Watersheds Project. One of the most vocal groups in favor of protection. Site provides background on the Owyhee Initiative and on grazing. PDF version of America's Public Lands: origin, history, future produced by the Public Lands Foundation. Good source of information for a general audience.
Legislation and Policies– Bureau of Land Management, "National Conservation Lands" Offers brief introductions varius types of National Conservation Lands, including National Monument, Wilderness Areas, Wilderness Study Areas, Wild and Scenic Rivers, and others., "Overview of Key Wilderness Laws." Maintained by the University of Montana, this site provides links and explanations for major legislation relating to Wilderness designation and to grazing policy. All the important wilderness laws can be accessed. Wilderness Laws: Permitted and Prohibited Uses, Congressional Research Service, 2010. Overview of legislative provisions in the Wilderness Act and subsequent legislation authorizing activities–such as grazing and mining–that do conform with the general prohibitions against commercial activities, motorized uses and infrastructure developments on congressionally designated wilderness areas. Special Use Provisions in Wilderness Legislation. University of Colorado Boulder. Natural Resources Law Center, 2004. Discusses legislative actions relating to special uses, including water rights, grazing, hardrock mining, mineral leasing, aircraft and motorboats, commercial services and military activities.